I was fortunate enough to attend a training put on by Dr. Elia Vechhione, the director and guru of the Francis Foundation, for whom I audit medical and program records. I was moved enough by the information that I wanted to share it with all of you. The presentation lasted for 3 hours, and was very in-depth, so please know that this is only a highlight.
Every year in this country, 200 billion dollars is spent on medication. That cost goes up 15-19% per year. Now, before we blame the Health Care industry, or the government, or the inflated cost of medications, let's consider what our first line of defense is : our food. Here's a radical (and not new) idea: our food and lifestyle can combat many of the illnesses, both physical and psychological, that currently plague our Westernized society.
Now, before I step fully onto my soap-box, let it be known that I love my potato chips and soda and fast food and barbeque just as much as anyone else.I don't want to put you readers off because I fully beleive that the message that I'm trying to send is important. Living a healthy lifestyle is important for us as individuals, for us as a society, and for the planet as a whole.
Allow me to give you some interesting information:
- Numerous studies show that the effectiveness of replacing fatty, salty foods with healthier options and food supplements improve the attention and self-control in children with ADD and ADHD just as much as Ritalin.*
- Eating well and getting a reasonable amount of exercise can help alleviate the symptoms of many illnesses, including depression.
- One half of the people in this country will have a psychiatric disorder at some point in their life. They usually will be treated with medicine as a first course of action...and their lifestyle is never taken into consideration.
- RDA's (Recommended Daily Allowances) set by the FDA are set to prevent physical illness, not mental illness. We need higher levels of these nutrients to prevent most mental illnesses.
- High Fructose Corn Syrup is the first ingredient listed on many baby formulas.
- If you lower your triclicerides (by lowering your fat intake) you can lower your depression levels.
- Meat and dairy consumption have been connected with many of the "Diseases of Western Society."
- Children who eat at home just four times a week in a sit-down, family-style meal, (read: not in front of the T.V.!) have higher attendance at school, better grades, and lower rates of asthma attacks.*
Here's a basic plan to make sure that we don't fall into the trap of empty calories and non-foods:
- Eat healthy, whole foods.
- Eat at home.
- Eat with family and friends.
- Don't eat anything from a box, bag or can.
- Make all foods from scratch.
- Eat lots of colors (different vitamins and minerals hide in different colored foods).
- Eat local and organic foods.
- Balance carbs with protein and veggies.
- Read all labels.
- NO fast food.
- Drink water, not soda. Drink 8 cups of water a day.
- Consider this: You are only as good as your last meal.
- Don't go hungry!!
- Exercise at least 5 times a week.
- Practice good sleep hygiene.
- Overdosed America by John Abramson, MD
- The Omnivore's Diet by Michael Polan
- Crazy Makers by Carol S
- Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy by Walter Willard
- In Defense of Food by Michael Plan
- Your Miracle Brain
- Diet for a New America
I feel very strongly that we are able to take into our own hands our own damaged health. I feel that we can take back from the pharmaceutical industry our bodies and minds; and that we can learn on our own what our doctor's don't know enough to tell us. Read, experiment, and learn. It's your life, your body--own it.
*Alternative Medicine Review.
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