Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Water, water everywhere...

So, for awhile now, Tom and I have had trouble with our hot water. It's been inconsistent (or maybe consistently annoying is more like it)--we run out of hot water really quickly, or we don't have any hot water at all. This problem began awhile ago, but only recently has been so annoying as I felt the need to blog about it.

First of all, I haven't been able to have a shower since the weekend. Every time I try, the water is ice cold. Or, like this morning, it's hot long enough for me to get in, and start my shower, and then it turns freezing, at which point I bolt from the shower. It was so frustrating this morning that I was standing over my coffee pot and crying. I just want to be clean.

Thankfully, our landlord is going to be fixing the system this weekend. Hopefully by Monday I'll be squeaky clean again. I'm well aware of our legal rights in this, and I'm not afraid to withhold rent or call the tenants association; but at this point, there's a plan in place, which is okay with me.

Anyway, this is all really ironic because there are flood warnings flying willy-nilly across the state. Water, water everywhere...but none that is warm.